Content Alignment Strategy Case Study

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Belfast City Council

If you haven’t heard of Ireland’s largest northern city, Belfast, you will after this post. Belfast is home to 330,000 residents, and recently, the city wanted to take steps to improve residents’ lives. They teamed up with Bernard Marr, a highly successful consultant, and futurist, and developed a strategy focusing on three areas of concern. 

They wanted to improve their efforts to better the environment, enhance support for economic growth, and improve residents’ support. With this strategy, The Belfast City Council developed key performance indicators to identify their endeavors’ success. KPI’s are essential data points that indicate the success or failure of a specific initiative. For example, the Belfast City Council is attempting to increase the city’s recylcing initiative.Belfast officials can track the recycling usage data to see if they are reaching their objectives.

The Belfast City Council set a digital content strategy on all platforms to further support Belfast Agenda. I spent some time reviewing the content strategy of the Belfast City Council. I wanted to see if the city’s content aligned with achieving their business goals after reviewing lots of Belfast content on all platforms. It’s an understatement to say how impressed I was. The content is comprehensive, professionally designed, responsive, and mostly integrated across all content platforms. 

The content supports the business objectives of the Belfast City Council expertly. There are content areas not aligned with their overall goals, including their Instagram and YouTube pages. If you are a city looking to develop a robust content strategy, I cannot recommend checking out what’s going on in Belfast. It is simply remarkable.

About the Author
About the Author

Drew Furtado is an Emmy Award winning filmmaker, and leader of a nationally recognized high school media arts communication department .

He develops guides and strategies for nonprofit and educational organizations to improve and grow their social media presence, website development, and communication practices that best engages audiences.

New Bedford, Massachusetts

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